Workers Compensation Insurance
Workers Compensation insurance protects both you and your employees for work-related injuries and illness — including medical, wage, and rehabilitation benefits for your employees and certain litigation expenses for you. We offer a number of workers compensation insurance solutions tailored to your business.

More Than a Workers Compensation Insurance Policy
Our deep expertise in underwriting, risk management, and medical cost containment helps you develop solutions designed to reduce employee injuries and illnesses which could adversely impact your business. We provide various coverages in all states, including coverage extensions for your unique business needs. Let us help protect your biggest asset — your people.
Coverage features include:
Guaranteed cost
Small and large deductible programs
Dividend options for high performing companies
Stop Gap coverage in monopolistic jurisdictions
Foreign Voluntary Workers Compensation through our International programs

Why Berkley Technology Underwriters
As technology underwriting experts, we provide unparalleled solutions and service, offering specialized knowledge and skills across information technology and digital media. With a deep understanding of the dynamic technology industry, we adapt swiftly to its evolving needs, collaborating closely with clients to manage and innovate custom solutions, ensuring we meet the ever-changing demands of technology businesses worldwide.